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The only control unit with easy-to-use software for all performance ranges !

Electronic System &

Control Software


  • All electronic & electric components available

  • Smart software with operating data recording

  • Control by smartphone, tablet & device`s screen

Electronic Control System

Design of the Control Unit

-  Temperature detecting of boiler, flue gas, hot supply- and cool return-, room-, ambient-, solar-, storage      temperatures, etc.

-  Power regulation from 30-100 %, below stand-by operation, optional Lambda-regulation

-  Failure detection of ignation-, fuel-, motor-, overheating-, sensor-break-failures, etc.

-  Controlling of the hot-water-production, the buffer storage, the solar heating system (various

   programs available), the heating circuits, etc.

-  Integration of additional heat sources and / or loads

-  Recording and storage of operating hours, operating status, failures, acces codes

-  Some menu levels with acces differnt codes

For controlling various applications in heat engineering
Heating System Grafik
Innovative Heating System IHS
Recording System Grafik
Operation by Touch Display, Tablet PC, Smartphone
Touch Display
Smart Phone

-  Simple operation

-  Self-explanatory menu

-  Modular design

-  Menu can be accessed in multiple languages

-  Expandable for special functions

Application consists of hard- and software

To control 


-  Combination Solar/Boiler/Hot Water               

-  Boiler for Biomass                                         

-  Automatic Universal Boiler                              

-  Biomass Heating Plants                                 

-  Automatic Stove / Fuel Tiled Stove 

-  Module for Loading Systems 

And furthermore for

-  Hot water production

-  Solar control

-  Weather dependent heating circle regulation

-  Heat management, etc.


We arrange all components such as electronic hardware, sensors, ventilators, ignite elements, gearmotors, flex screws, heat exchanger etc., available in premium quality and at the best price
Electronic panel
Temperature Sensor
Ignation Element
Gear Motor
Heat Exchanger Cu
Air Fun
Fluegas Ventilator
Small gear motor
Flex Screw
Heat Exchanger high grade
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